Kids club


This weekend we had the wonderful experience of seeing the school Scripture Union club conduct a kids outreach event in their community. Chris had done a similar event while in the Philippines and so we modelled that style here.

We engaged the Scripture Union club from the senior school and they were excited to hold the event, taking on the planning of the activities. We didn’t hear anymore from them after the first meeting and were slightly worried but needn’t have feared – they must have been busy practising!

On Saturday morning we set off from home to the markets, to purchase a few supplies to make up some packs for the kids to take home. We included some biscuits, mango, salt and toothbrushes that had been bought over from the UK by Harriet who is here for a few weeks.

Packing the bags

Packing the bags

Gift Packs waiting to go

Gift Packs waiting to go

By the time we arrived at the church the SU club were ready to go, and got to work making the packs. Next step was to go and invite kids from the neighbouring houses, which was a lot of fun! The parents were happy for their children to come along, and when 11am rolled around we had 30-40 children, with a total of about 90 arriving by the end. One thing we have learnt is that Ugandans love to dress smartly, children not excluded, so some children were late due to having a shower and getting changed into the smartest outfit they had!

Prayer before heading out into the community

Prayer before heading out into the community

Students heading out to invite kids from the community, giving out these passes to each child.

Students heading out to invite kids from the community, giving out these passes to each child.

Waiting to receive her pass

Waiting to receive her pass

Talking to parents and children about the event

Talking to parents and children about the event

Talking to Parents

Waiting to come into the church

Waiting to come into the church

The SU club then put on a fantastic event of music, dance, games and a gospel message. The kids seemed to love it and although it was in Luganda we could see the energy of the SU club members and how much work they had put in to make it a polished event. They presented the gospel and showed Christ’s love to those in the community more needy than them, and the joy that comes from that was lighting up their faces.

Children enjoying the message

Children enjoying the message

Kids in Ministry

Scripture Union club singing and dancing

Scripture Union club singing and dancing

Balloon game - who can blow it up the most without making it pop!

Balloon game – who can blow it up the most without making it pop!

Kids with balloons 2

Everyone went home smiling, each family with a pack to share with their parents, we can’t wait to hold another kids event soon! The SU club members truly were salt and light to their community.

With their packs

With their packs

Sisters heading home

Sisters heading home

Chris with bag